Saving Money With Conference Calls
With all the talk of a green economy and reducing emissions, audio conferencing makes a good solution for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Business travel often represents half of a business's CO2 emissions. Another source of high emissions, employee travel to and from work will represent about 25% of most companies' carbon emissions.
By using conference calls for the majority of client meetings, companies make a large impact on the global air quality and help reduce global warming. Allowing employees to telecommute and take place in company meetings through conference calls, employers reduce the carbon footprint and make happier and more productive employees.
Still, there are few businesses willing to make such changes only for the sake of the environment. Businesses want a different kind of green. They are seeking to save money in their operations. Think of all the traveling salesmen and executives make in their business. How much of that could be saved simply by switching most meetings to conference calls? Audio conferencing calls are become the preferred method for meetings for good reason.
Traveling expenses include the cost of airline tickets, vehicle rentals, hotel stays and meals. All of these costs can be reduced or eliminated through the use of conference calls. Whether used for sales and marketing meetings, worker training or client consultations, conference calls can get the job done without the traveling expense.
Thus, con calls offer an easily measured way to reduce company expenses, showing a real value to executives considering a switch in policy. Not only will the company save dollars, it will save emissions, giving the PR department another tool for promoting the business.
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