Video For The Masses In Corporate Structures And Trainings
Over the last few years more and more corporate companies have decided to compete with each other over the quality of their training and development. Some have integrated using Videos. Various reasons including a recording tool for reference and training quality. As a demonstration or promotional tool. In some cases as a web conferencing tool. This last aspect is now gathering more momentum where the world of green issues is coming to the fore.
Fact! People no longer want to sit around drinking Hotel coffee and driving home to their family's exhausted from a twelve to fourteen hour round trip. Web based conferencing is now available and for companies, if the right products are used, is very affordable and less time consuming enterprise.
Fact! Globally the saving on the carbon footprints is being increased in a dramatic way. How? Read on. When videos where first being hosted on websites or for corporate trainings et all it was common for the companies to try and maximize the time length in order to cover a whole range of promotional trainings and other well intended uses. The trend soon started to change with shorter videos being made to around eight to ten minutes in length with the video specializing in one particular aspect rather than covering a whole range. This has now moved on and the video now comes in at no more than five minutes and in some cases under 120 seconds becoming a "normal" video stream length. Allowing for more effective presentations being hosted with less cost to the production side of video making.
The use of Video gave rise to the opportunity for Corporations and smaller businesses to utilise the online video web meeting format so that individual travel necessities could be reduced or at least limited, the savings on this far out way any contrary consideration. Even The politicians are being hounded for unnecessary travel by air. We have all seen the gimmicks. The attitude of this is reflected in the printed press being guilty by association for flying around the world chasing green issue stories with which to promote their own contrived green ethic.
Now in most cases for video editing and web conferencing, the most expensive aspect being the equipment being used or the production companies using state of the art imaging and lighting. The use of "Celebrity" or character actors etc being introduced to produce TV or film quality videos. This is now an ever increasing marketing opportunity with new production companies getting listed and being welcomed using the Green issues as bait to build larger client bases.
Small companies and individuals are now harnessing the advantage of video hosting on websites as an introduction to their specialized product range. Anything from Ebay style auction videos to corporate walk through presentations are being hosted. Newsletters are becoming popular in the online video field. Companies such as My Video Talk and Myle Marketing utilizing this very medium. For example Myle Marketing in particular is sending out video newsletters to upwards of 10,000 recipients on a weekly or monthly basis. Myle Marketing also have in some cases offered free advertising on a first come first served basis to have website links hosted within the body of the video presentation screen back drop, otherwise known as a "Bill Board advert"
So where does this put those companies who are struggling to find ways of cutting costs and generating improved training and or other presentations when they insist on staying behind the times and expecting people to cow tow to the corporate image of "Coming together we all achieve more" and travelling to hotels meeting rooms and in some cases, International travel taking place?
Make no mistake video is the new communication tool. It is worldwide in availability and the Major players being My Video Talk have increased their foothold to incorporate over 90 countries and growing.
Video online is still at it's Product Introduction stage and momentum is now starting to kick in. Where does this leave you and your corporate image in a greener world with "Carbon Footprints" becoming the new buzz words? Our job is to look after ourselves first, that way we can look after our future.
Labels: Trainings, Video For The Masses In Corporate Structures
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