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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Video Conferencing Solutions - Stay Put and Stay on Top!

In the breakneck paced business world of immediate information, video conferencing is quickly becoming the leading communications tool for businesses large and small, and for good reason!

Due to the fact that offices and employees can be thousands of miles apart, getting everyone into the same room for meetings and training sessions has become decidedly impractical from a logistical and financial perspective for most companies.


A very intelligent and wealthy man (although fictional in nature) once told a certain young ambitious stockbroker “The most valuable commodity I know of is information.” Of course I am quoting from the movie “Wall Street.” We all know that that movie is some 20 odd years old now, but the underlying intended message of that statement is even more applicable in today’s world: Get the right information to the intended recipients in the least amount of time = MONEY!!! That is what video conferencing technology, in the business world, allows users to do. Exchange pertinent information on a very broad scale quickly, to gain a financial position or edge. The old adage “time equals money” applies in a very realistic and tangible way.

Video conferencing has been around since the early 1960s, but has honestly only gained prominence in the real world over the last ten or so years. Early systems were unnecessarily expensive and of comparatively low quality due to the fact the technologies of today were just simply not available. But due to the emergence of VoIP networks, high speed internet, Web Casting (WebEx, Go To Meeting Centra etc.), improved audio/video Codec’s (coder/decoder) and very affordable enterprise solutions, video conferencing is finally wrapping its huge arms around the corporate world today and giving it a great big bear hug!!

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